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Do I need a License to run Pig Night?

The simple answer is NO - a License is not required. Under advice from the Gambling Commission we confirm the selection of a 'pig' by a participant is totally dependent on chance and no 'odds' or 'form' are available to assist selection. Such nights can be run without a license, or any other form of permission.

Will I need to provide anything?

We will require 2 x large tables (trestle type are fine), this is to place the race track on - and it works really well if this can be accessed from all around the table. We will also require a couple more tables where we can 'sell' the pigs for each race. Other than that - we provide everything else from PA, Race Track, obviously the pigs, even 2 beautiful assistants to help with running the whole evening.

How do we book a race night?

All you need to do is get in touch with us. You can either call us on our mobile number 07970 267274, click the email link, or go to our enquiry form. Our enquiry form will allow you to give us a lot more information about your event. To confirm your booking we take a small non-returnable deposit

Can anyone predict the winning pig?

We will turn up at your event with over 20 different colour pigs. Each pig responds slightly differently: some run faster than others: some take a longer break than others. However the main advantage we have is once a pig has won a race - it is NOT allowed to run a second race. Furthermore participants choose their pig from the herd, therefore each race is totally random.

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